Thursday, August 19, 2010

Move-in and Orientation

If you're planning on doing the college program, you should plan on being very, VERY tired your first few days.  Between moving in, unpacking and meetings there's not a lot of time to relax... I'm so exhausted!


Yesterday I got to Carnegie Plaza at 7:15 for my 8:00 check in.  I was 45 minutes early and still pretty far back in line.  And it was a very slow-moving line.  They started to check people in about 15 minutes early but I still didn't get through the line and finished checking in until about 9:30 or 10:00.  

I actually got moved in relatively quickly.  I think I made only two or three trips to the car with my parents and that was it.  I was a little frustrated to see I got a ticket for parking in the 90-minute spaces across the street.  They said check-in would take less than 90 minutes and that it would be okay to park in those spaces... LIES!  I now owe the city of Anaheim $46.  

Here's a quick cell phone snap of our apartment... I love it!

I'm on the bottom of the bunk bed in the room with three people.  It sounds like it would be bad to end up with the three-person room, however we have a pretty big walk-in closet and a much larger bathroom!  

I also found these cute wall decals from Target and we had fun putting them up last night


Today at 9AM I had orientation.  We got our ID photos taken (and of course mine is awful) then we sat in the auditorium at TDA (team Disney Anaheim) and watched the Lion King while we waited for everyone to get their photos taken.  Around 10 we started orientation which was the basic boring "welcome to Disney" kind of thing we've heard a few times already.  We did, however, get to pick our scheduling preferences and classes.  I asked for Wednesday/Thursday off and for my class I want Marketing You on Fridays (that way I can go to class in costume.)

I also found out that I have Traditions tomorrow!  This is awesome because you get your employee ID at Traditions and your employee ID allows you to get into the park for free.  Therefore, since I have Traditions on Friday instead of Saturday, Saturday is my day off and I'll already have my ID which means I can go to Disneyland and FINALLY see World of Color!  I'm so mad that I missed it in June because of Grad Night.  Boooo.  I haven't watched any Youtube videos or seen any pictures of it because I want to see it in real life first!  

I got back from orientation around 1pm today and now I'm just sitting bored in our apartment.  It's so nice to get a little relaxation time!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

You're lucky you got to watch The Lion King. We got to stare at the DVD menu for a while before they shut it off completely.

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