Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Disney Interview!


I just had my interview! That was so nerve wracking! I've had like six job interviews in my life, and I've always gotten the job. I've never been this nervous.

She didn't sound weird after any questions she asked... like weird disappointed, but idk.

Let's see... she asked when/how have I made someone feel special.

I told her about working at camp and how I had a group of seven year olds and I made them all feel special all the time. (that was an awful answer, but it's the only time I can think of that I've ever tried to make kids feel special.) I told her I listen to the kids, smile, spend time with them... all that stuff.

She asked how I've handled emergency situations

I told her about the 5 times we had tornado warnings at camp and having to evacuate all the campers to the dining hall. Yeesh, that was a seriously high pressure emergency situation. I think this was my best answer of anything.

She then asked how I stayed calm in that situation

I told her that I realized that freaking out would be a bad thing and wouldn't help the situation at all. I said I knew that the calmer I was, the better the situation would turn out and it would be safer for everyone.

she asked how I would deal with messy roommates

I told her I live with 7 roommates, and I'm the cleanest of all of them. (sadly very true.) I told her that I usually take initiative in terms of cleaning, and it's not like they mind. I mentioned that we have a bathroom and living room cleaning schedule to get people to pitch in. It seems to work pretty well. She laughed when I mentioned having seven roommates. I think she thought I was nuts :)

She asked me how familiar I was with Disneyland.

this one threw me a little. I said I was interested in guest relations and guest services. She said that for those jobs you're expected to be very knowledgeable about the park. I should have seen this one coming. I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable, but I didn't want her to like start quizzing me or something and ask me a question I didn't know and have it look like I was lying, so to be safe I just told her I've only been three times in my adult life so I don't know a lot, but I'm fairly knowledgeable and will find it easy to learn more.

She asked if I'm comfortable speaking to large groups of people

I told her I did speech in high school (I hated speech, but I didn't mention that,) and I told her that in my college communications classes I've had to speak to groups of up to 500 people. I don't have a problem speaking at all, so I'm glad I could answer that one easily.

oh, big one- she asked why I want this job

That threw me, because I thought she would ask more specifically why I wanted to work for Disney or why I'd be a good candidate (I mean I literally mapped out those answers last night) but she asked why I wanted it... so I said I've always loved Disney, ever since I was a kid. I told her my friend just started the program and I saw all of her pictures and it looks like she's having so much fun so I started looking into it. I said that every time I go to disneyland, all of the cast members look so happy all the time. I told her that in all of my jobs, I've never been that happy to go to work and I want to be one of those people. I said that working at disneyland AND getting college credit at the same time sounded like an amazing deal.

so... bad answer.

She asked why I wanted the photopass job

I told her I didn't even know it existed until last summer and when I read about it it sounded like the coolest job ever. Walking around disneyland, talking to people at disneyland and taking their photos? That combines like my three favorite things in the entire world. Talking to people, disneyland and photography. So awesome.

She asked about each of the jobs I listed, had me describe in detail what my duties are for each job.

She asked about my cash handling experience.

I didn't get any questions about custodial, so fingers crossed that's not anywhere in my future!

She asked me a LOT of questions about photography. She asked if I've ever used computers for a job before, what my experience with cameras is, what kind of pictures I take for my school paper, how long I've been taking photos, if I have any experience with photoshop, all of that stuff.


Benson Jr. said...

good luck Kallie!

Benson Jr. said...

fyi I think you did good with answering those questions. I really hope they pick you!

Unknown said...

congrats on getting photopass!
and THANK YOU for advance notice on the questions, i have my interview tomorrow

Kallie Larsen said...

let me know how it went and if you get it!

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