Friday, May 21, 2010

Universal Studios interview

Since there isn't an advantage program here at Disneyland, I've been trying to find another job for the summer.  But thinking about working at DL in the fall has made it so that every other job I can think of pales in comparison.  Grocery store?  ew.  Movie theater?  nooo.  Another theme park?  Maybe...

so, I had an interview at Universal Studios today.  I know, it's far.  62.6 miles, to be exact.  But still... I want to work somewhere COOL!  And I think being a studio tour guide and getting to ride around the universal backlot all day would be rad.

Therefore... I made the trek up to Hollywood today.  Well, Burbank.  Universal City?  LA.  Whatevvv.

I left late enough that traffic wasn't too bad, which was nice.  I got there with plenty of time to spare before my interview so I went and chilled at Citywalk and walked around for a while.

Then I had the interview which was looooong and I didn't get out of there until like 5:30.  Then of course traffic home was HORRIBLE.  I didn't go over 35 in LA at all.  Once I got down to OC it was a bit better.  But seriously, ick.

Then when I got home the sun was setting and looked really pretty so I took a picture.  :)

So yeah.  That was my day.  Oh and they apparently weren't hiring studio tour guides which is the position I WANTED and they said they'd hire me on the spot to be an admissions attendant, but if I'm going to drive allll the way up there, I want to do something with the tours.  So I'm going back in two weeks.  ohhhhhboy.

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